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the nearby areas were evacuated because they feared flooding from the melting glacier and all planes going that way were suspended in case their engines clogged up with smoke

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nothing happened x

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Q: What are the primary effects of the grimsvotn eruption?
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What type of volcano is grimsvotn?

The Gr?msvotn Volcano is a Caldera type volcano. The last eruption of the Gr?msvotn Volcano occurred in the year 2011.

Primary effects of the Montserrat eruption?

primary: - lava flows - ash flows - gas - blasts secondary: - debris flows - mud flows hope this helps

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What are the effects of Mt.Carlisle's eruption?

not much effects really

Is the grimsvotn volcano a hotspot volcano?

Grimsvotn is a hotspot volcano on a diverrrgent plate boundry (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

What social effects of a volcanic eruption?

i think the social effects of a volcanic eruption are the number of deaths that the volcano casued

What is 1 volcanic explosivity index of grimsvotn?

Grimsvotn volcano, located in Iceland, has had eruptions with a range of Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) values. The most recent major eruption in 2011 had a VEI of 4, producing significant ash clouds that disrupted air travel in Europe. However, past eruptions at Grimsvotn have reached VEI 6, making them much larger and more explosive.

What were the primary effects of the eruption of Eyjafjallajoekull?

Well, OBVIOUSLY the eruption melted a frozen glacier and released MASSIVE amounts of water into the flaming lava pit, causing a GINORMOUS steam cloud to escape and blowing the top of the mountain. Clearly.

How far away were the effects felt during the Mount Tambora eruption?

The effects of the Mount Tambora eruption of 1815 were felt worldwide.

What were the primary effects of the eruptions of Mount Mayon volcano?

In 1814, 1200 people were killed by hot rocks and ash from the erupting volcano. Houses were destroyed because the whole town was buried in ash. Also the church got destroyed. These were the Primary effects of 1814 eruption of Mayon Volcano.

What were the primary and secondary effects of the Mt St Helen's eruption?

We can divide the effects of an earthquake into those known as the primary effects and those known as the secondary effects. Primary effects of an earthquake are those resulting directly from the earthquake itself. These include; buildings collapsing; roads cracking; bridges giving way; shattering of glass and injuries / deaths resulting from these. Secondary effects are those that result from the primary effects. For example ground shaking may result in the cracking of gas and water pipes (primary effects) this can result in severe fires due to explosion from escaping gas and difficulties in putting out fires due to lack of water from burst mains (secondary effects). Other secondary effects include, homelessness, business going bankrupt and closing etc.

Is a volcanic eruption secondary succession or primary succession?

It's primary succession!