

What are the problems with women worshipping in a Mosque?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are the problems with women worshipping in a Mosque?
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Where do Islam's go for worshipping?

Muslims can pray in home, mosque .. favored to be in Mosque

What is the holy temple of Islam?

The Holy place for worshipping in Islam is called " Masjid" or Mosque as in English.

Where do I slamic women pray?

In mosques or at their houses. there is a special women places in mosques for women, because it is forbidden to pray next to men. and it is not a must for women to pray the 5 prays at mosque, they can do that at home. for example Friday Prayer it is a must for men to pray it at mosque, on the contrary of women.

Do Muslim men and women pray together in the mosque?

Both men and women can pray in the same mosque, but definitely not together, men should be in the front row and women stand behind them. Islam doest not allowed men and women to be in the same row while praying either in the mosque or at home. For further details check some of the Islamic sites.

What is the woman's role in the mosque?

Women serve a lot in a mosque. They do many "dars" or lessons where she teaches others about religion they are role models for other girls they do everything to make the mosque look nice and stand out. I don't mean cleaning but their actions make the mosque fantastic. Women, however, cannot be Imams or lead a service that has men in it.

Are women permitted in to pray Mecca?

=According to a Hadith related in Sahih Muslim our Prophet (PBUH) said;=="Don't prevent your women from going to the mosque when they seek your permission."==Henceforth women can go to mosque. One of the living example is Masjid-ul-Haraam (the most Holiest mosque for Muslims) where you can see huge number of women.=

What are the rules for a visitor to the mosque?

it depends on the mosque you go to. The only rule is women should where a scarf to show respect, and NO shoes in the prayer hall

Why are Muslim men separated from Muslim women in a mosque?

Men and women are separated so they aren't distracted from their prayers.

Where do Muslim men worship?

Specifically Muslim men (as opposed to Muslim women) pray in the front and center of a Mosque. Muslim women pray at the sides or the back of the mosque so that their image does not distract the men.

How does Islams worship?

the people who follow islam are not called islams, they called muslims. they worship by going to the mosque five times a day. going into the whole worshipping actions is a long process and will confuse you.

Who is the church leader of Muslims?

There is no such thing called 'church' in Islam. If you were referring to the worshipping place of Muslims, it is typically called a "Mosque" in English. In Arabic, there are two names for such a structure: Jame'a (جامع) also Latinized in Turkish as Camii refers to a large Mosque and Masjid (مسجد) also Latinized in Turkish as Mescid which refers to a smaller community building. Muslims in the mosque; during praying; face the direction of Kaaba in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. The leader of a mosque is called an Imam.

What is the history of an islamic church?

There is no such thing called 'church' in Islam. If you were referring to the worshipping place of Muslims, it is typically called a "Mosque" in English. In Arabic, there are two names for such a structure: Jame'a (جامع) also Latinized in Turkish as Camii refers to a large Mosque and Masjid (مسجد) also Latinized in Turkish as Mescid which refers to a smaller community building. Muslims in the mosque; during praying; face the direction of Kaaba in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. As to the history of any particular mosque, each one is different, so you need to choose a mosque and ask about that one.