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The properties of nouns and are:

  • gender (male, female, neuter)
  • number (singular, plural)
  • case (subjective, objective, possessive)
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1d ago

Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things, or ideas, while pronouns are words that can replace nouns in a sentence. Nouns can be common or proper, singular or plural, concrete or abstract. Pronouns help avoid repetition and simplify sentences by replacing nouns with words like "he," "she," "it," or "they."

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Q: What are the properties of noun and pronouns?
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Will you drive us to the game which is noun and pronoun?

The pronouns are you and us.The noun is game.

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Antecedents can be any noun (or noun form) where pronouns will replace the repetition of the noun. The most common pronouns that replace antecedents are personal pronouns (I, me, he, she, it, we they) or possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its) or possessive pronouns (his, hers, theirs, mine, yours).

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A pronoun "stands in for" or replaces a noun.

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The pronouns that takes the place of the noun 'bread' are it, its, itself.The noun 'bread' is an uncountable noun, a word for a substance, so there is not plural pronoun for the noun 'bread'.

Can a pronoun have a gender?

In some languages, like English, pronouns can have gender. For instance, pronouns like "he" and "she" are gendered. However, there are also gender-neutral pronouns, such as "they" or "ze," that can be used to refer to someone without specifying their gender. The use of gendered or gender-neutral pronouns can vary depending on individual preferences and cultural context.

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Adjective pronouns are sometimes called possessive pronouns, but they are not true pronouns because they do not take the place of a noun, they describe a noun. Examples:Adjective: Mary bought a new car; her car is blue.Possessive: The blue car is hers.

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What are predicative possessive pronouns?

Predicative possessive pronouns are those who are used without the noun and instead of the noun to which they refer : Whose coat is this ? It is mine (my coat).

What is words are prounons?

Pronouns are substitute noun words. Examples of pronouns include 'he', 'she','their', 'that', 'myself' and 'anyone'.

What are the pronouns in the sentence Peter is your robot able to move ITS arms by remote control?

The pronouns in the sentence are:your, describes the noun 'robot' as belonging to Peter;its, describes the noun 'arms' as belonging to the robot.The pronouns 'your' and 'its' are possessive adjectives, words placed before a noun to describe a noun as belonging to someone or something.

Is the word suit a noun or pronoun?

It's a noun. Pronouns are words like he / she / they /we / I