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The dewlap is an extendible flap of skin ordinarily folded under the throat of a lizard. Lizards, particularly those in the genus Anolis, extend their dewlaps during interactions with conspecifics (their own species), other lizards, and potential predators. Dewlap extension is effected by movements of elements of the hyoid apparatus. This was paraphrased from research material held by the Department of zoology, University of Tennessee.

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11y ago

The male green anole lizard will arch his back, like doing pushups, and puff out a colorful, reddish bubble in his throat. This is how he attracts a female mate. It is similar to the ritual by male peacocks in spreading their tail feathers to show their colorful display in an effort to impress a female. The male lizard will perform this ritual often times for hours in an effort to "catch the ladies eye".

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11y ago

it is a warning sign to keep away or they are angry

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