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After planning steps in communicating the message have been complete we have to consider specific writing principles to help us choose right words syntax and sentences for our letter report memonorandums etc.

  1. Correctness

  2. Conciseness

  3. Clarity

  4. Completeness

  5. Concreteness

  6. Consideration

  7. Courtesy

  1. Correctness:-

To be correct in communication the following principles should be borne in mind.

  1. Use the correct level of language

  2. Include only facts words and figures

  3. Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

  4. Apply the following qualities

  5. There should be proper grammar punctuation spelling and paragraphing

  1. Conciseness:-
Business exectives are dead-busy. They don't have time to go through unnecessarily lengthy messages. The writer is also a loser if he writes wordy messages because it involves more time and money to type and read. Conciseness makes the message more understandable and comprehensible

  1. Eliminate wordy Expressions.

  2. Include only relevant material.

  3. Avoided unnecessary Repetition.

  1. Clarity:-

Clarity demands that the business message should be correct concise complete concrete and with consideration

  1. Use the right level of language

  2. Proper punctuation make the writing clear

  3. Check Accurey of fact figure & Words

  1. Completeness:-

The message should be complete to bring desirable results. It should include everything the reader needs for the reaction you desire. You must know what information our reader wants or needs You should be able to know the reader's background viewpoint needs attitudes and emotions.

  1. Provide all necessary information.

  2. Answer all questions asked.

  3. Give something Extra, when Desirable.

  1. Concreteness:-
The business writing should be specific definite unambiguous and vivid rather than vague and general The following guidelines lead to concreateness.

  1. Use specific facts and figures

  2. Put action in your verb

  3. Choose vivid image building words.

  1. Consideration:-

Consideration refers to you attitude sympathy the human touch and understanding of human nature. Consideration means the message with the receiver in mind. You should try to visualize your readers their desires problems emotions circumstances and possible reaction to your request.

  1. Focus on you instead I & We

  2. Show reader benefit or interest in reader

  3. Emphasize

  1. Courtesy:-
Courtesy is more important and advantageous in business writing than it is in face to face communication or conversation. Courteous message strengthen present relations and make new friends. It is a goodwill building.

  1. Answer your mail promptly

  2. Be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative

  3. Use expressions that show respect

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Q: What are the seven Cs in business communication?
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