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Lions and tigers are similar in size, with the tiger being somewhat longer and heavier. Both cats have powerful jaws and canine teeth, and long recurved claws.

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12y ago

the similarities between tigers and loins are they are both very territorial

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Q: What are the similarities between tiger and lions?
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What is the differences between tigers and lions?

tigers are bigger then lions and the most biggest tiger is the Siberian tiger. And the biggest lion is the Barbary lion what lives in the Savannah. So the difference between a lion and tiger is size.

What are the similarities between cats and lions?

both are cat family

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Horses and lions share many similarities. For instance, both species have strong, powerful limbs and big teeth. They also both have long tails and can both be found in the wild and in captivity.

Are there different species between a lion and a tiger?

there is two cross breds between lions and tigers. they're ligers and tigons.

Who will win between tiger or lioness?

Tigers could defeat lions most of the time, and a male tiger would make short work of a lioness.

Are lions safe to play with?

no beacuse lions are like tiger and they are omnivorse

Who are likely ancestors to lions?

a tiger

How often does a tiger eat?

not as often as lions

Tiger or grizzly toughest land animal?

although there have been no documented cases of a fight between a tiger and a grizzly, there were several documented cases in the 1920s of staged fights between grizzlys and African lions, these encounters were no contest with the grizzly dispatching the lions with ease. My guess is the tiger may put up a slightly better fight than the lion but would still be killed readily by the more powerful grizzly.

Is there a bond between tigers and lions in the wild?

Lions and Tigers have been known to breed in the wild. The Liger is the cross breed of a male lion and female tiger. The Tigon is cross breed of a male tiger and a female lion. While not common these do occur in the wild.

Who would win a fight between a female tiger and female lion?

The Female lion would win because they hunt and they are more experienced to take down large prey bigger than a tiger and the female lions team up angaint one so if a femmale tiger comes around the female lions will team up and take the tiger down

When lion and tigers mate what do you call their cubs?

The result of a tiger and lion mating is a liger.