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Typical flu symptoms will be overall body aches, fever, and sometimes vomiting. Usually the person will just feel miserable and want to rest and sleep. The flu can last from 24 hours to several days.

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This stage is where the virus is in your symptom but you don't know it because you have NO symptoms yet, this is also the most contagious stage of the "sick cycle."

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Q: What is the prodomal stage of flu symptoms?
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To prevent contracting the avian flu, avoid contact with infected birds. If you have normal flu symptoms, eye infections, or respiratory issues, you many have the avian flu.

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Common flu symptoms can include cold-like symptoms of coughing and sneezing to fevers and sluggishness. A good way of trying to avoid getting the flu is washing your hands after touching possibly contaminated surfaces so that it doesn't spread.

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