

Best Answer

Some common databases are

1. Oracle

2. SQL Server

3. MS Access

4. IBM Db2


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Q: What are the various database softwares?
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What are some database softwares?


What is database software used for?

Database softwares are used for store, manipulate, and view a collection of data

What could a database software be best used for?

These database softwares or RDBMS are used to store the database of a company or an insttution help them to use in future.

What are some types of database?

Some commonly used database softwares are:OracleSQL ServerIBM DB2SybaseMS Access etc

What are the various resources of an information system?

they are softwares

What software is commonly used for reservation information?

If your question is that , using which software you can store the information then answer is you can reserve the information in database . The database is the collection of data. This database you can create using a softwares like Microsoft access ,Oracle or Sql server .

What are some types of database software?

Microsoft Access is a common example of database software. there is also Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Report Server, PostgreReport, MyReport, Reportite, FileMaker and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Where can you get a good database management?

If you are running Linux, the best database management systems are MySQL, Apache Derby, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB (HyperSQL), or Ingres. However, there are many types of database management softwares, so please be more specific with your question if this was not the answer you were looking for.

Can people buy religious software at church?

There are various religious softwares available, some churches provide them for sale at their church. But the product softwares are available for purchase online.

What are the best softwares for small businesses?

There are various softwares that can be used by small business owners. Microsoft Office, as well as Quickbooks, can be used by business owners to help with their business.

Advantages and Disadvantages of different database softwares.?

Please can you dumb it down to a 15 year old's level of comprehension? I have no experience in database softwares whatsoever but my teacher has asked us to do a project on it anyway. This is part of my research what I want is the adv. and disadv. of MS Access Oracle Informix Ms Access is the one I'm aiming to use so, suggest why it is better than the others.

What is the difference between the various types of windows operating systems?

stability and the comatibility with the drivers and the application softwares