

What are the work hours for a vet assistant?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Most vets are open some evenings and weekend days.

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Q: What are the work hours for a vet assistant?
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What are the work hours like for being a vet?

It depends which office you work at. I have a friend who works as an assistant from roughly 10:00am-6pm daily. However, it will vary depending on your boss and your location.

Do they hire 17 year olds and above at vet clinics and vet hospitals?

It varies. To be a veterinary assistant you probaby only have to be 16(unless you have a work permit) . I was a volunteer at the age of 11- then by 14 became a vet. assistant.

What type of work would you do all day if you were a vet assistant?

I think you would just hand the vet the supplies they need or whateverrr. :)

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A physicians assistant usually works 40-50 hours a week. They have the potential to work overtime depending on the hours the practice is open.

Where can you work as a vet assistant when you are 14 yeas old?

To the best of my knowledge, nowhere in the United States. A vet's clinic is a hazardous work environment due to exposure to biological fluids (blood, urine, feces, etc.) and the potential for bites, radiation exposure, etc. To work as a lay vet assistant, you need to be at least 18 years old.

What are the wages for a vet and a vet's assistant?

the standard vet gets about 72.000 a year

How many hours would a vet work during a typical work week?

84 hours a week and 6 days

How many hours does a medical assistant work a week?

45-50 hours per week

How many hours does a orthodontic assistant?

The answer depends on the question being completed.How many hours per what period? a day, a week, a year, a lifetime.How many hours does that assistant do what? work independently, work alongside, party, live, spend at home?The answer depends on the question being completed. How many hours per what period? a day, a week, a year, a lifetime.How many hours does that assistant do what? work independently, work alongside, party, live, spend at home?The answer depends on the question being completed. How many hours per what period? a day, a week, a year, a lifetime.How many hours does that assistant do what? work independently, work alongside, party, live, spend at home?The answer depends on the question being completed. How many hours per what period? a day, a week, a year, a lifetime.How many hours does that assistant do what? work independently, work alongside, party, live, spend at home?

Which is harder a vet or a vet's assistant?

Well my aunt was a vet assistant and she said it would be harder to be a vet because you have to see what the animals have like different kinds of diseases and a vet assistant would have to call the patients to the checkup room Or make appointments with people that need vets. I Hoped This Helped You!

How many hours do you work a day being a vet?

A vet works about 9 hours a day and should be able to be called on 24/7. But you can have shifts within the day.

How long does a vet work on weekdays?

At a specialty clinic, a vet may work 6-8 hours a day during the week. In contrast, an ambulatory large animal vet may work 20 hours a day during the week if he is on call for emergency after working a 10 hour day shift.