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When George is fantasizing about a life without Lennie, Lennie tells him that he could go live in a cave and not bother George.

When George takes the mouse, Lennie appears extremely sad and pitiful about not having a mouse to pet.

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In "Of Mice and Men," Lennie unintentionally manipulates George by constantly asking him to talk about their dream of owning a ranch, making George feel guilty for his own doubts and frustrations. Additionally, Lennie's actions and inability to control his strength lead to George feeling responsible for managing and protecting him, creating a sense of burden and pressure on George.

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not letting him tend the rabbits if he get into trouble

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Q: What are two situations in which Lennie manipulates george and makes him feel bad in of mice and men?
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How does John Steinbeck establish right away how Lennie is dependent on george?

John Steinbeck establishes Lennie's dependency on George by showing Lennie constantly seeking reassurance and guidance from George, as well as relying on him to make decisions and provide for their basic needs, such as finding work and shelter. Lennie's limited mental capacity also makes him vulnerable and in need of George's care and protection.