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types of fungi is all the different fungi's you can get around the base of the earth.

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12y ago

The three main types of FUNGI are: Mushrooms/toadstools, moulds and yeasts.

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Q: What are types of fungi?
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What are the types of fungi?

The 5 types of fungi are...SacZygoteClubLichenImperfectHope that helps!

How many types of fungi grew on bread in general?

3 types of fungi

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Mushrooms and mold are types of fungi.

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The 4 types of fungus are the thread-like fungus (mold) sac fungus (spores) club fungus (mushrooms) and imperfect fungi ( imperfect )Answer IIMain types of Fungi are:1. Zygomycota or conjugating fungi as bread molds2. Ascomycota , sac fungi as Neurospora3. Basidiomycota , club fungi as mushroom ,4. Fungi Imperfecti , Impefecti fungi , as Alternaria .

How many types of fungi are there on earth?

currently it is about 1.5 million different types of fungi on Earth....... yea i know it is a lot

Are there many types of different fungi?

Fungi is a there are so many species

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diffrent types can be fungi

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What are the types of sexual spores of fungi?

The three types of Sexual Spores in fungi are: 1) Zygospores 2) Ascospores 3) Basidiospores

What fungi is mushroom?

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies (reproductive organs) of many types of fungi.

What types of organisms are found in soil?

Bacteria and fungi are types of organisms that are found in soil.

What types of fungi are harmful and what types are useful?

Fungi is definitely more useful than it is harmful. Yeast (which IS fungi) is used to convert sugar to alcohol in the making of beer and wine. Fungi is even used to make penicillin. Also club fungi is good for you too. The fungi that are bad for you can be Jockitch, Tiena, Candida, and ugaa