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the hyperthalamus in the control centre in moniters the core and external temp and draws the line when its time to sacrafice the skin for the organs. when the muscles can't continue restricting blood flow because have run out of energy and oxygen which is being used to made more energy to warm organs extremities tells skin its warm sends cns message to hypothalamus by now enzymatic responses are barely working cas its too cold and then telll skin its hot they take off their clothes and run around in the nuddy. all the blood cools organs die they die :d

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Q: What area of brain is affected by hyperthermia?
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No, human complexity is established in the neocortex, which is a relatively thin, convoluted sheet covering of the front of of the brain. the surface area of the neocortex is not dramatically affected by brain volume.

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A stroke can happen in any lobe of the brain. I think the worst area one can have a stroke in is at the base of the brain, in back of the head.

What parts of the body is affected if you have epilepsy?

The brain is the only area affected by Epilepsy. As the brain controls many other parts of the body, other things can then be indirectly affected, like the nervous system, which is why shaking is sometimes associated with epilepsy. Seizures affect different people in different ways, so not everyone shakes when they have a seizure.

What happens when a person loses neuron cells from a stroke?

It depends on which area of the brain or spinal cord is affected. The functions of that area will be altered or be stopped all together.

How do you use hyperthermia in a sentence?

Hyperthermia is an unusually high fever.

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Yang got hyperthermia.