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Q: What organ is affected first when blood glucose levels drop heart spleen brain or liver?
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What hormone reduces blood glucose levels and what hormone raises blood glucose levels?

Glucagon is the hormone that raises blood glucose levels.

What system is affected if the spleen function is lost?

The immune system is affected if spleen function is lost. The spleen helps your body fight infections. The spleen also makes red blood cells and it removes old red blood cells.

Which hormone will increase blood glucose levels?

Glucagon is catabolic and increases blood glucose levels, insulin is anabolic decreases blood glucose levels.

What effect does cortisol have on glucose levels in blood?

Cortisol release can increase blood glucose levels.

Where can one find blood glucose levels online?

One can find blood glucose levels online at the website; There are plenty of other websites to help one out to find blood glucose levels.

What is glucose receptors?

The purpose of the glucose receptors is to detect blood glucose levels. The Islets of Langerhorn dispatch alpha cells to detect low blood glucose and beta cells to detect high blood glucose levels.

What hormone helps lower the blood glucose level when it is high?

Insuline and Glucagon control blood glucose. Insuline: brings down high levels of glucose. Glucagon: brings glucose levels back to normal, (brings glucose levels up).

I'm looking for a simple chart to show normal blood glucose levels...?

Simple chart for normal blood glucose levels...

What regulates glucose levels and inhibits release of glucagon releasing blood glucose levels?


What is a response of the body to change in blood glucose?

A) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon B) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of glycogen C) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of epinephrine D) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of insulin

What is the typical response of the body to changes in blood glucose?

A) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon B) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of glycogen C) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of epinephrine D) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of insulin

What hormone is involved in blood glucose regulation?

There are two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. One is insulin. This horemone "carries" glucose into the cell. No glucose and the cell starves and the glucose levels get higher in the blood. The second hormone takes glucose out of liver storage and increases the glucose in the blood. These two are a feedback mechanism that keeps the levels in a normal range.