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The colonization of GeorgiaMany of the people that settled in Georgia, during the colonial period, were from the English lower class. Most were in debt back in England, some to the extent that they were indentured to wealthier land owners.In 1732, King GeorgeII, granted the charter for the colony to a group of trustees led by an English general and philanthropist named James Edward Oglethorpe. He, and other trustees encouraged the settlers to make something of thierselves by using the Natural Resources and good farmland the colony provided, to produce goods for England, thus relieving the crown of dependency on foreign goods. The colony, due to its geographical location, also created a buffer between the English and Spanish colonies, which were located in Florida. What had started out as a charitable settlement for Englishmen on the verge of debtors prison, at once became a very important colony, and military post in the New World. The first settlers made home in Savannah, in 1733. Oglethorpe, and the trustees set up a very informal system of government. Some colonists were able to pay their way there, but many had their passage paid by the trustees. Those people became indentured to the trustees, for a time. They worked for these men on their farms and in their production facilities. When their debt was paid off, then they were free to persue their own lives. The colony was noted for its production of wine, silk, and spices, which were sent back home to England. Since, however, many of the colonists were indentured, the overall economy of the colony itself was not generally good. Military frustration in the region, and the informallity of the colonies government, prompted the crown to take charge of the colony, from the trustees, in 1752. What lay ahead, after this period, is another topic entirely. I hope thi answered your questions.
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Q: What attracted Europeans to the colony of Georgia?
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In Georgia, settlers were attracted to the peace and harmony between the Indians and the colonies.That is the answer

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It was a southern colony.