

What battle did Philip II defeat the Greeks?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Chaeronea 338 BCE.

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Q: What battle did Philip II defeat the Greeks?
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In what battle did Philip II defeat the greek?

Battle of Chaeronea.

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How was Philip II ableto defeat the Greeks?

Phillip II defeated the Greeks at the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BCE.

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Philip II admire them by their art,ideas,and their armies.

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He admired their art , ideas , and their armies - Hope It Helps (:

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Philip's goal was to lead a united Macedonian and Greek army to conquer the Persian Empire as revenge for its invasion in 480 bc

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before so he became king in 359 B.C he wanted to defeat the Persian empire

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by getting the best greeks amy man and getting him in his army

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