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Q: What bean and pork stew is known as Brazil's national dish?
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What are Brazils national foods?

Feijoada is the national dish of Brazil. It is a black bean stew with meat and often sausage. The dish is normally served with rice and often fresh orange also. The name originates from the bean, feijão preto. In Brazil they grow a lot of fruits and things like yams and peanuts. They have other special dishes like Acarje, which is a muffin with beans, onion, and fried palm oil.

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A navy bean is a small white bean, it can be used in a vaiety of hard and easy dish. an example of an easy dish that can using navy beans is baked beans.

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Mountain Chicken, or crapaud as it's also known, WAS the national dish of Dominica.However it isn't the national dish anymore because Mountain Chicken is now a protected species.The national dish of Dominica is now Callaloo, which is a soup. Mountain Chicken is no longer a national dish anywhere due to it now being a protected endangered species.Read more here.

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The national food of Brazil as a whole is Feijoada, a meat and bean stew. Brazil is a large and diverse country, and the local cuisine varies greatly by region.

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