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The ameoba has a body part called the "pseuodopod" (pronounced sudopod). Which it uses to move and eat with as well. It extends the "pseuodopod" around it's food then pulls it towards the rest of the body to be digested. It does that same thing to move except ulling it self along. The things that amoebas eat vary from algae and bacteria or other protozoa and dead plants or animal matter.

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Q: What body part does an Amoeba organism use to get its food?
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What body part allows amoeba to move?

The psuedopod is used to help the amoeba move, and also to eat. It is a part of the amoeba's body that it can stretch out and pull itself with.

Which part of the body of amoeba is used for getting food?

Cell Membrane The amoeba uses its cell membrane to form an arm-like structure (pseudopodia) to encircle food with its "arms" and engulfs it. Check the videos on youtube!

Where does amoeba obtain its food?

The amoeba in Figure 15 belongs to the group of protozoans called sarcodines. Sarcodines move and feed by forming pseudopods (soo duh pahdz)---temporary bulges of the cell. The word pseudopod means "false foot." Pseudopods form when cytoplasm flows toward one location and the rest of the organism follows. Pseudopods enable sarcodines to move. For example, amoebas use pseudopods to move away from bright light. Sarcodines also use pseudopods to trap food. The organism extends a pseudopod on each side of the food particle. The two pseudopods then join together, trapping the particle inside. FROM SCIENCE EXPLORER 2009 LIFE SCIENCE BOOK

What part of the amoeba is used for getting food?


What process does an amoeba use to drink?

Amoeba obtains its nutrition in a heterotrophic mode. Both the anabolic and catabolic functions are carried out in the same cell. Amoeba feeds on plankton and diatoms present in water. It can form arm- like structures called pseudopodia, extending from any part of its body as it is shapeless. When it senses food in its surroundings it extends its pseudopodia in that direction and moves towards it. then it engulfs the food with its pseudopodia. When the food enters its body the amoeba forms a food vacuole around it which contains certain enzymes to digest the food. When the food is digested the unwanted waste is released through its body surface.

How does an Amoeba Excrete?

Excytosis is when a cell "throws up" something. So if the amoeba has endocytosed something and digested it the next step would be to get rid of the waste parts by causing the vesscle (think of a balloon full of the waste) to dock with the cell membrane and eject the waste into the environment

Why is the amoeba considered an out group in this cladogram?

Why is the amoeba considered an outgroup in this cladogram?

In what ways is food part of an organism's niche?

Food is part of an organism's niche because it is what is broken down to given an organism energy.

What is pseudopodia in science?

A pseudopod (any of several "false-feet") is an appendage that a protist in the phylum Mastigophora (i.e. an amoeba) uses. It is constantly reshaping and contracting to allow the protist to move.

Are humans multicellular organisms?

Yes, they are.

What is the difference in between nutrition in amoeba and human beings?

according to me the only difference between amoeba and humans is that , that amoeba is a unicellular organism whereas human are multi-cellular organisms ..............hope you like the answer.......... :D

What part of an amoeba helps it capture food?

food vacuole is a small cavity in the cytoplasm that temporarily store food.