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Both churches regard themselves as the true descendant church of the early Christian church, so it's more proper to say that they originated at the same time or along parallel paths until they split formally from each other. Yet, The Orthodox Church has only changed 1 thing about itself since the year 33 A.D. - The Language the Liturgy is performed in (Greek, Russian, Ukrainian, etc.) The Roman Catholic Church has made many changes, and also had many other sects break off of it.

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Q: What came first Catholicism or Eastern Orthodox Christianity?
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Eastern Orthodoxy is a Christian denomination (the second largest, with Catholicism first). So Orthodox Christians believe in the Holy Trinity and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

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At first it was the Roman Catholic branch and then came the Eastern Orthodox.

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Catholicism IS Christianity.

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They are one and the same. Catholicism is the first and original Christian Church.

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Catholicism was Christianity as established by Jesus Christ. Prior to the Reformation there was just the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church; after the Reformation, all the various Protestant Denominations arose..Catholic AnswerCatholicism is Christianity, and it was established by Jesus Christ in the first century, He sent the Holy Spirit to guide it always, and put St. Peter and his successors at its head as His Vicar on earth. The Eastern Rites split into two in the twelve century. The protestant revolt happened in the sixteenth century, and they tend to call themselves "Christians" in such a way as to exclude the Catholics who were Christians for fifteen centuries before the protestants were even a thought. In other words, Catholic Christianity came first.

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First there was just Christianity, then when Martin Luther broke of and started Lutheranism Christianity was renamed Catholicism, every other Christian religion broke of of Catholicism or Lutheranism, in this case, The Baptist church broke of of Catholicism.

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First of all Christianity and catholicism aren't different religions Christianity is the religion Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity And to answer your question they are christians the denomination is unknown

Why was Catholicism the first Christian religion?

The very early days of Christianity apparently saw considerable diversity within the Christian community, as evidenced by the comments of authors such as Paul and Matthew. Some of the very early Christian sects include Ebionites, Nazarenes, Nazoraeans, Cerinthians and Carpocratians, as well as what was later to become known as the proto-Catholic Orthodox Church. With the strong support of Emperor Constantine, the Catholic Orthodox Church became the dominant Christian Church and eventually the state religion of Rome. After the Great Schism of 1054, the then universal Catholic Orthodox Church split into the separate Roman Catholic and Orthodox branches of Christianity. So, although Catholicism has roots going back to the very beginning of Christianity, it really only separated from its sister Orthodox Churches in 1054 CE.