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Chameleons, unlike some other species of lizards, cannot drop their tail voluntarily incorrectly to provide a distraction for predators. Chameleon tails are prehensile, and used to grip tree branches, just like a fifth limb. They serve a quite different function from the tails of other lizards.

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Q: What can chameleons do with their tail?
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HOW elephants and chameleons are alike?

Well, elephants have a trunk they can curl, and chameleons have a tail that can curl. Try looking it up on another part of the internet.

Can chameleons lose their tail?

Chameleons, unlike some other species of lizard, cannot drop their tail voluntarily in order to provide a distraction for predators. Chameleon tails are prehensile, and used to grip tree branches, just like a fifth limb. They serve a quite different function from the tails of other lizards.

How do a lizard react when attacked by predators?

chameleons will runn away and if the predator has its tail it will tug and thu tsil will fall of that is whyyou should always be gentle with them.

Are chameleons territorial?

are chameleons territorial

How and what do chameleons poo?

chameleons reproduce

Are chameleons carnivorous?

yes chameleons are carnivorous but they will only eat other chameleons to survive

Are there any captive breeding of bearded pygmy chameleons in the US currently?

Fl Chams breeds and sells chameleons to anywhere in America. They sell and breed Panther Chameleons, Veiled Chameleons, Premium Veiled Chameleons, Translucent Veiled Chameleons, Jacksons Chameleons, Pygmy Chameleons, Carpet Chameleons, Other Chameleon Species. I know about them but I checked their site many times and they had wc only when available

How do chameleons reproduce?

chameleons lay eggs.

What are the chameleons with horns called?

Jackson chameleons

What are chameleons predatores?

The chameleons predators are snakes

Do chameleons eat in groups with other chameleons?

Chameleons are solitary animals only coming together to mate.

What are a chameleons enemies?

Some lemurs can eat chameleons.