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When a close family member (parents, siblings, spouse) dies the week of "Shiva" is kept during which the mourners sit on low stools or on the floor. People come to comfort the mourners. Other than kosher food nothing is customarily brought.

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12y ago

Most people will bring meals, so the family in mourning doesn't have to cook. In communities that are able to support kosher caterers, people will coordinate meals with the caterers. Often groups of people will get together to contribute toward these meals.

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12y ago

The tradition in the Jewish community is for friends and extended family to provide food for the mourners as the mourners are not allowed to do any work for 7 days following the burial. In communities that have kosher caterers, people will coordinate meals to send to the family. If you're not sure if that's being done but you'd like to participate, you can speak to a friend of the family to find out what's being done.

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13y ago

Gifts of food or donations to charity are appropriate. Flowers are not.

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10y ago

It's best to contribute to an appropriate charity in memory of the deceased,

and have the charity send the acknowledgement to the family.

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