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Go see a doctor, I know it is embarassing but you may have an STD or yeast infection


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Q: What causes a creamy yellowish cervical mucus right 9 days after intercourse?
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What does your cervical mucus look like after implantation?

Creamy with. A mixer of blood

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Blue seems to turn into a peachy creamy yellowish

Can sperm still travel through creamy white cervical mucus and get you pregnant or is it considered a hostile environment?

Creamy white mucus is very acidic and usually kills the sperm. It is also sticky which means they cannot move. It is not 100% effective, but as a general rule, you will not get pregnant when you have creamy mucus.

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I recently just got off birth control its been about 8 days and I have noticed I have had a lot more discharge than normal Its white yellowish cloudy color and creamy is this normal?

Yes, it's very normal. One of the ways hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy is to make the cervical mucus thicker so it's harder for sperm to get through. Once you stop hormonal birth control, you will begin to see a normal cycle of cervical mucus again, which will change throughout your menstrual cycle. If the discharge has no odor and no itching, there is no need for concern.

How fertile are you 4 days before ovulation?

Depends on how much cervical fluid you have and what quality it is. If you have creamy cervical fluid all 4 days before you ovulate the sperm could potentially survive for that long (although it doesn't usually survive longer than three days).

Could you be pregnant if you are 14 days late and you have a lot of watery creamy cervical fluid?

well it is possible 'watery creamy cervical fluid' AKA discharge is generally released when you are 'turned on' but it can also be signs/symtoms for other things as for 14 days depends really, as period times can change due to a variety of unharmful and normal things so dont worry too much, if you really are worried then take a prenancy test

Spider in my garden it is brown with a yellowish-creamy stripe down its back and stiped legs it is making a lot of webs as well do you know what kind this is?

It is a poisoinus spider wich is also deadly. SO DON'T TOUCH IT.

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creamy curd is curd that is creamy

What is the abstract noun for creamy?

sardines are creamy. lemons are creamy. popcorn is creamy. coco- cola is creamy.

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