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For the wealthy and the literate, letters and private messengers were relied on tell each other news. Parchment made from goat or sheep skin would be used and were sealed with wax with a distinct emblem unique to the sender, this was to maintain privacy and made sure no one would tamper with their letters.

The lower classes however, would have to rely on travelling merchants or tinkers by word of mouth for far-off news. Important news would be spread by bards who would sing ballads (long poetry or songs) at festivals of meal time detailing events such as new marriage, birth or deaths of important people within the community.

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13y ago
1st AnswerOne and it was verbal. One person had to tell another person of an event. The churches did make stain glass windows to tell bible stories so this could be considered a form of communication. One reason we give testimony in court is that in the middle ages people couldn't read or write so they came to court and told their story to the judge. Thus, they gave testimony. To help remember certain events a child would be beaten so he could recall later the event when asked. People would remember things by what happened and when. The year of the great flood, or when the king came to visit. All of this was through talking to others about it. Jesters were popular because they carried news from one village to another and told stories. 2nd AnswerPeople communicated over long distances by letter, just as they do today (except we have email). A lot of people wrote, and we have a large number of letters extant. One example of a woman famous for her letter writing (among other things) was Hildegard of Bingen, a nun who carried on correspondences with kings and emperors.

Alfred the Great was aiming at better communications in England when he started a system of education, which he intended to be available for all freemen, which would teach reading and writing in English, rather than Latin. He died in 899. Please see the links to Wikipedia articles below.

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