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Q: What could small red and pearly white bumps that are not itchy on the inner thigh be?
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Related questions

What could be a Non itchy bumps on breast?

Possibly skin blemishes.

What causes hard itchy swollen bumps?

It could be almost anything and it depends on where they are.

What are little red itchy bumps at outside corners of eyes?

There are several conditions that could cause itchy red bumps around the eyes. They include acne, dermatitis, keatosis pilaris, styes and rosacea.

What are itchy red raised bumps on the inner thighs that seem to get worse in summer?

A diagnosis cannot be made from a description. See a doctor. It sounds like it may be heat bumps or sweat bumps. I believe it may also have to do with thighs rubbing together that makes bumps. I was told it could be HPV

What sort of a recurring rash has red itchy small pus filled bumps that occur between the fingers in isolated patches on the inner forearm and chest?


Could something in the ocean cause tiny non-itchy bumps on my back and shoulders?

You might have body acne.

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What are these Itchy red bumps behind the ear?

It's a rash.

Do chickenpox come in a cluster of itchy bumps?

Chickenpox causes widespread bumps, not clustered. Shingles or poison ivy are just a couple of problems that can cause a cluster of itchy bumps. See your health care provider for definite diagnosis and treatment.

What is a circle rash the size of an Oreo cookie with raised not so itchy red bumps that are some what painful when cortizone is applied?

Could be shingles. Could be shingles. Could be shingles.