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Q: What did Barack Obama do with his power in commander in chief?
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Who is the commender in the chief of military?

the commander in chief is the us president and is the highest military power in america.

Is there an Osama Obama?

No. Osama bin Laden and Barack Obama are not the same. There is no one well known or in political power named Osama Obama. US President Barack Obama led the military as Commander in Chief when the US captured and killed terrorist Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan.

Does congress have the power to appoint a commander in chief?

No Congress does not have the power to appoint the Commander in Chief. The Commander in Chief is the President and US citizens have the power to elect the President.

Who is the current President of the United States?

Barack Obama is the current President

How is Barack Obama so powerful?

All presidents are powerful, because they are the leader of one of the most influential countries in the world, the United States. Some presidents use their power more aggressively (or assertively, depending on your point of view), but even the presidents that history considered unsuccessful have still been considered powerful because of being the Commander in Chief and the Chief Executive of the USA. Whether you like him or not, Barack Obama is considered powerful because of the influence that America has in the world, and the fact that he can make decisions about how to use that power.

How does Barack Obama come into power?

By being elected.

What authority does the president have over the military?


What law gives barack obama power?

The US Constitution

What are Barack Obama's veto powers?

he has the power to veto any bill

What kind of power do the president have on military?

he is the commander in chief

What power of the President is associated with the military?

He/She is the Commander in Chief

Is Barack Obama still the head of UN security?

If you are asking about the UN Security Council, there is a different person who serves as the head each month, on a rotating basis. It was the United States' turn back in December 2015, at which time Samantha Power (the US representative to the UN) took her turn. But as noted by my colleague, President Obama was never the head, nor was he asked to be. As I write this, the current representative leading the council is from Japan. Next month, he or she will be from a different country.