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well,first off..he called the atomic bomb something important in history and important in real life.i dont really know what she called the atomic bomb..BUT she called cancer the atomic bomb disease..interesting huh?

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Q: What did sadako call the atomic bomb?
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How old was sadako when the atomic bomb hit?

Sadako Sasaki was 3 when the ATOMIC bomb hit.


She developed leukemia because of the radiation from the atomic bomb dropped by the United States during WW2.

Survivors of the atomic bomb?

In 1958 was when the last survivor died. She was a girl named Sadako Sasaki. She was 16 when mshe died.

How does japan remember the atomic bomb?

They have a monument to its never reoccurring again. Called the Atomic Bomb Dome, in Hiroshima. Next to that, they also have Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Museum. Also in Hiroshima is Sadako's Paper Crane Memorial, for all the children who died of leukemia years after the bombing. They make paper cranes by the thousands and leave them there to display for the world. Also, when in Japan I bought a book on 'Sadako and the Paper Cranes', roughly translated. It will never be forgotten.

What do you call the explosion called from an atomic bomb?

a nuclear explosion

What did you call the atomic bomb that was drop over Hiroshima?

The bomb was code-named "Little Boy."

How old was Sadako when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?

He was 2 years old.

Did sadako grandma have leukemia too?

yes she died the day of the bomb

Why is an atomic bomb called a nuke?

Well I am pretty sure they call an atomic bomb nukes because atomic bombs and be called nuclear bombs. So instead of calling these super long name they made the bomb a short nick name a nuke

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Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.

Is the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes a true story?

Yes, "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" is based on a true story. It tells the story of Sadako Sasaki, a young Japanese girl who developed leukemia as a result of radiation exposure from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II. Sadako's efforts to fold one thousand paper cranes in the hopes of being granted a wish for health and peace have become a symbol of global peace and healing.