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Q: What different thing did Harriet Tubman do to fight for freedom?
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Harriet Tubman influences?

God, or at least that is who she said influenced her

What was the whole date of when Harriet Tubman escape to freedom?

Well, in 1849 she and her brother tried to escape, but her brother wanted to go back and she wouldn't go without him. She then realized freedom is for people willing to fight for it.

How did Harriet Tubman help fight for justice after the Civil War?

she helped people fight laws

What did harriet Tubman to African Americans resistance to the fugitive slave act?

Harriet Tubman helped lead enslaved African Americans to freedom through the Underground Railroad, a network of safe houses and routes. She also supported the resistance to the Fugitive Slave Act by actively aiding fugitive slaves in their journeys to freedom in the North. Tubman's bravery and determination made her a key figure in the fight against slavery and the oppressive laws that supported it.

How did John Tubman die?

He got into a fight with a white man at a plantation. They fought ending up killing John Tubman. Harriet Tubman's husband was dead.

How are Sojourner Truth and harriet Tubman different from each other?

Sojourner Truth was known as a powerful advocate for the rights of African Americans and women in the 19th century, delivering powerful speeches on abolition and women's rights. Harriet Tubman, on the other hand, was a courageous conductor of the Underground Railroad, leading enslaved individuals to freedom. Both women played pivotal roles in the fight against slavery and for the rights of African Americans, but in different capacities.

After the civil war how did harriet Tubman continue to fight for justice and help those in need?

she done your mom

What are William Still and Harriet Tubman best known for?

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman were both instrumental in the fight to abolish slavery. They showed great admiration for each other as they fought for a common goal.

Did Harriet Tubman lead a battle in the civil war?

no she did not lead any battles in the civil war however she was a conductor on the underground railway that led slaves to their freedom it was a tactic employed by the north so she did affect the civil war but did not fight

What Civil War was Harriet Tubman in?

Harriet Tubman contributed to the Civil War by being a nurse, soldier, spy, and scout. Under the command of James Montgomery, she led the Combahee River expedition to help blow up Southern supply and free hundreds of slaves.

Who was Harriet Tubman How do you think she and the Northern abolitionists helped each other's cause?

Harriet Tubman was an African American abolitionist and political activist who played a key role in helping enslaved people escape to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Tubman worked closely with Northern abolitionists, who supported her efforts by providing resources, safe houses, and financial aid. In return, Tubman's courageous actions and firsthand experiences as a former slave helped to raise awareness about the horrors of slavery and strengthen the Northern abolitionist movement. Moreover, Tubman's involvement inspired and encouraged other abolitionists to fight for the cause of freedom.

How did Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman fight against slavery?

they helped for escaping slavery and coming back and help other people