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she helped people fight laws

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Q: How did Harriet Tubman help fight for justice after the Civil War?
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After the civil war how did harriet Tubman continue to fight for justice and help those in need?

she done your mom

How did harriet help fight for justice after the civil war?

she helped people fight laws

What Civil War was Harriet Tubman in?

Harriet Tubman contributed to the Civil War by being a nurse, soldier, spy, and scout. Under the command of James Montgomery, she led the Combahee River expedition to help blow up Southern supply and free hundreds of slaves.

Did Harriet Tubman lead a battle in the civil war?

no she did not lead any battles in the civil war however she was a conductor on the underground railway that led slaves to their freedom it was a tactic employed by the north so she did affect the civil war but did not fight

How did John Tubman die?

He got into a fight with a white man at a plantation. They fought ending up killing John Tubman. Harriet Tubman's husband was dead.

Why did martin Luther king fight for things?

Because he wanted the civil rights to change and he did not believe the slavery the whites had thank you two Harriet Tubman hundreds of slaves escaped from the underground railroad.

What are William Still and Harriet Tubman best known for?

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman were both instrumental in the fight to abolish slavery. They showed great admiration for each other as they fought for a common goal.

Harriet Tubman influences?

God, or at least that is who she said influenced her

How did Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman fight against slavery?

they helped for escaping slavery and coming back and help other people

What do Rose O'Neal Greenhow Belle Boyd and Loreta Janeta Velazquez have in common with Harriet Tubman?

What those three very important and famous at the time and present day famous women had in common with Harriet Tubman was that they all contributed in the Union side during the American Civil War.

What causes did Harriet Tubman fight for?

She helped people move north and after the war she ran a agency to help former slaves find work, houses, and get help.

What person is so dense/blindered as to be unable to see the blazing eternal soul-beauty of Harriet Tubman?

My love has dark brown eyes that connect with my soul equality harriet tubman's leadership is setting our people Malcom X's fight against the self-hatred My mind is loud but i am no thinking my eyes watch