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Q: What do Chemical reactions drive all the activities within?
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Chemical reactions drive all of the activities within what?

a cell

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What is a chemistry reactions?

Chemical reactions are different molecules reacting with each other to form one or more products. Chemical reactions are done in everyday life from your breathing to digesting food to combusting gasoline to drive.

How is energy made available by chemical reactions and describe what happens to usable energy?

When a chemical reaction breaks a bond there is a release of the energy that was used to form the bond. This usable energy drives the motion of the cell, usually in the mitochondria of a cell.

In the Miller-Urey experiment what was used as energy source to drive chemical reactions?

Electrical discharge

Which two biomolecules provide most of the energy used to drive chemical reactions in cells?

carbohydrates and lipids

What allows cells to produce energy through aerobic metabolism?

The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed through a series of steps into another chemical, by a sequence of enzymes. Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because they allow organisms to drive desirable reactions that require energy and will not occur by themselves, by coupling them to spontaneous reactions that release energy.

What two forms of energy does the horse have as it jumps over the pole?

Kinetic, because it's moving. Chemical, because of the chemical reactions which drive it. Gravitational potential energy as well . . .

Are organelles found in plant cells. They absorb energy from sunlight and use that energy to drive chemical reactions that produce sugars and oxygen.?


What organelles are found in plant cells that absorb energy from sunlight and use that energy to drive chemical reactions that produce sugars and oxygen?


Are organelles found in plant cells They absorb energy from sunlight and use that energy to drive chemical reactions that produce sugars and oxygen?
