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A young tomato plant and an adult tomato plant both have a stem.

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Q: What do a young and an adult tomato plant both have a flower ovary pollen or stem?
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What is the function of the style in the flower?

To connect stigma with the ovary and facilitate the growth of pollen tubes

What is in the ovary of flower?

it contains the ovules waiting to be fertilized by pollen

What is the styles function in the flower?

The function of the style in a flower is to connect the stigma to the ovary. This is where pollen grains are deposited and transported to the ovary for pollination.

What is the function the style in the flower?

The function of the style in a flower is to connect the stigma to the ovary. This is where pollen grains are deposited and transported to the ovary for pollination.

On a flower what moves down to the ovary?

The male gametes in the pollen tubes.

What does a ovary part of a flower contain?

pollen and leaves;tiny leaves!!;)

The parts of an anthophyte flower that becomes the fruit?

The Ovary of the flower becomes the fruit after fertilization by pollen

What does the ovary do to help a flower to make seeds?

Pollen goes down the pollen tubes from the stigma in the ovary are ovules. where the pollen fertilizes the ovules. afterward seeds are formed when the fruit is produced

What are the parts of flowers involved in fertilization?

The female parts of the flower are the ovary, eggs, pollen tube, pistil, and stigma. The male parts of the flower are the stamen, anthers, and pollen. The eggs of the flower are kept in the ovary; pollen from other flowers' anthers and stamens is received by the stigma and filters down through the pollen tube. The pollen fertilizes the eggs; fertilization is complete.

How does the nucleus in a pollen grain get from the stigma to the ovary of a flower?

they germinate and grow a small tube all the way to the ovary

After pollen grows a tube down the style?

Pollen grows a tube that travels down to the flowers ovary. From there, the nucleus of the pollen grains passes through the pollen tube to join the nucleus of the ovule to fertilize.

A pollen grain forms a tube leading to the flower's what?

Pollen grows a tube that travels down to the flowers ovary. From there, the nucleus of the pollen grains passes through the pollen tube to join the nucleus of the ovule to fertilize.