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No. The risk is that by trying to hard too avoid criticism, scientific experts are failing in their duty to inform us fully of the facts and potential consequences of global warming.

It is really because of the debate generated by non-experts who would deny some of the consequences of global warming, that some gain the impression that the 'middle ground' is in the middle - hence that the experts must be in some way exaggerating.


It could be that those scientists are prostituting their professional integrity to continue receiving funding from proponents of a One World Government that hopes to gain political control by manufacturing the global warming crisis. Thirty years ago, the same groups were warning us of the coming ice age.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Every scientist agrees that local warming is happening. The vast majority of them (97%) agree that it is being caused by the human activities of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. The effects are clear too. Warming melts glaciers and ice caps. This will raise sea levels. Warming adds extra energy to the atmosphere. This will give more power to storms and other weather events.

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12y ago

Yes, the vast majority of scientists agree that the earth is experiencing Climate Change, and that it is caused by human activities. The dangerous activities include the burning of fossil fuels which is adding carbon dioxide to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the deforestation of the planet, which is removing the "sinks" that used to absorb carbon dioxide.

James Hansen, head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, is widely respected as one of the world's leading climate scientists. He told the US Congress in July 2008, "CO2 is already almost certainly at unsafe levels, and the situation will only become more dangerous the longer we continue to largely ignore the problem." He claims that the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies have an agenda to cause public confusion about very real and legitimate science.

The vast majority of climate scientists support the findings of The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) when it says Global Warming is being caused by human activities which are increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Here are some organizations and what they have said:

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006: "The conclusions in this statement reflect the scientific consensus represented by, for example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Joint National Academies' statement."
  • US National Academy of Science: "In the judgment of most climate scientists, Earth's warming in recent decades has been caused primarily by human activities that have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Joint Science Academies' statement, 2005: "We recognise the international scientific consensus of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."
  • Joint Science Academies' statement, 2001: "The work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) represents the consensus of the international scientific community on climate change science. We recognise IPCC as the world's most reliable source of information on climate change and its causes, and we endorse its method of achieving this consensus."
  • American Meteorological Society, 2003: "There is rarely total agreement among scientists. Individual scientific statements and papers can be exploited in the policy debate and can leave the impression that the scientific community is sharply divided on issues where there is, in reality, a strong scientific consensus. ...IPCC assessment reports are prepared at approximately five-year intervals by a large international group of experts who represent the broad range of expertise and perspectives relevant to the issues. The reports strive to reflect a consensus evaluation of the results of the full body of peer-reviewed research. ... They provide an analysis of what is known and not known, the degree of consensus, and some indication of the degree of confidence that can be placed on the various statements and conclusions."
  • Network of African Science Academies: "A consensus, based on current evidence, now exists within the global scientific community that human activities are the main source of climate change and that the burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for driving this change."
  • International Union for Quaternary Research, 2008: "INQUA recognizes the international scientific consensus of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."
  • Australian Coral Reef Society. 2006: "There is almost total consensus among experts that the earth's climate is changing as a result of the build-up of greenhouse gases....There is broad scientific consensus that coral reefs are heavily affected by the activities of man and there are significant global influences that can make reefs more vulnerable such as global warming..."

    Many scientists, that are in this field, believe this is happening presently.

There has, however, been some recent controversy over how facts have been presented or perhaps, even manipulated. There is now some question as to the extent that man has contributed to the changes. This to an extent where some are now calling it climate change instead of global warming.

All the information is not presently available so no definitive answer is available.

No they don't

some think its a natural thing

some think its because of burning fossil fuels

Most believe it is somewhere in the middle. The warming we all agree started over 10,000 years ago and is over 11 degrees C, What some are asking about is what portion of the 0.1 degree C increase since 1938 is to be blamed on man who produces almost 0.3% of the greenhouse gas.

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12y ago

Scientists say that Global Warming is happening faster than expected. It is a common knowledge nowadays. Don't you watch the news or watch TV's channels the National Geography or Discovery? For God's sake; Do you live on earth or are you asking from another planet?

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15y ago

Yes, a consensus was reached among most scientists at the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) which included over 150 scientists worldwide to discuss climate change. That group established that climate change had a definite man-made component, that it was accelerating, and that a significant proportion of greenhouse gases were from human activities in increasing the carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere.

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8y ago
Answer:A recent poll of scientists in different fields has found that 97 per cent of those who published at least half of their peer-reviewed research in the climate field agreed that global temperatures are rising and that human activity was significant in this process. So there is substantial consensus among those we should regard as experts in this field.

Temperatures have continued to rise, with the last decade being the warmest since records began, so climate experts predicte to continue to rise over the course of the twentieth century, by between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees celsius, depending in part on the extent to which humans choose to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. However, the extent of warming will not be evenly distributed around the globe. And several recent studies conclude that even if the composition of today's atmosphere were fixed (which would imply a dramatic reduction in current emissions), surface air temperatures would continue to warm by up to 0.9 degrees C.

Sea levels are predicted to rise by between 0.9 and 1.5 metres over the same period. More frequent and intense storm activity, droughts and floods are also predicted.

Answer:Global warming has been identified as a major issue for the global community. More properly this is called "Global Climate Change" as some areas may be warmer, some cooler, some wetter, some drier...


The contention of the larger number of climatologists is that human activities since the industrial revolution have increased the content of CO2, methane and other gases in the atmosphere that trap solar heat. At the same time human activities have reduced the forest cover that had traditionally absorbed these same materials. They state that an increasing level of these atmospheric constituents has lead to a chain of chemical and physical changes that have increased the world's average temperature.

Observations of atmospheric gas composition, average sea water temperatures, atmospheric temperatures etc. confirm the trends and support the proposition.

Potential Impacts:

1. The sea levels may rise. Technically this may be caused by melting ice from the polar ice caps or an increase in sea height as the less dense water is less compressed. Low lying land like many Pacific Islands and Miami will be under water.

2. Serious climate changes may result from diverted ocean currents. As an example, the Gulf Stream keeps Europe warm. If the Stream is not running Europe may be much cooler and drier. Crops may not grow.

3. Ecology changes on the land could include species of animals and plants extending their range to the polar regions. Local flora and fauna may become extinct. A good example is the spread of Africanized bees and Fire Ants. Sea life may also be impacted both through the introduction of competitive species presently kept in other areas by water temperature changes, and by failure to adapt to less saline water.

4. Human society may be disrupted if changes in rainfall and temperature cause crop failure. Famine refugees may require significant humanitarian attention by the "lucky" nations.
There are various predictions being made about global warming by different scholars. There are predictions that the in the very near future the temperatures will rise on the surface of the earth as a result of depletion of the ozone layer.

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12y ago

There are many things that scientists do not know about global warming and climate change. New facts are discovered regularly and new theories formulated to encompass these facts.

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6y ago

Yes, 99% of peer-reviewed climate scientists agree that we are experiencing man-made Global Warming.

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