

Best Answer
Protect thyroidYou can take potassium iodide tablets to protect your thyroid. The thyroid is most vulnerable to radiation poisoning.

A booklet issued in 1960-1980s Britain. Protect and Survive. stated before an attack paint windows white (it reflects heat) stay indoors in a single room or cupboard(fallout room) (away from outside walls if possible), Stock up on supplies, Prop thick wooden doors or simalar against an inside wall away from windows at a 45degree angle and fix to wall or floor, Stay in shelter for 48 hours and 2 weeks in fallout room, remove burnable materials e.g. paper or thin wood

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Assuming both you and civilization in general survive, get to a hospital for radiation treatment if you can. Otherwise, get as far away from the source of the explosion as fast as you're able.

If you have a Geiger counter, you can use it to judge the safety of food and water sources. (Obviously, having this non-standard item presupposes you were expecting such an eventuality.) A portable hand-cranked radio, such as a camper's radio, could let you know when and where other survivors are located.

Maybe that Geiger counter should be hand cranked too. Or you should build a wide range electroscope radiation survey meter as described in Dean Ing's book Pulling Through. It just requires the ability to generate static electricity to operate it.

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