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Puchase a product like bitter apple that tastes bad to dogs. If she tries to lick or chew the site, spray a little on. Don't get her too excited. Try to keep the stress down by brushing and spending time with her. It will heal soon. If she is in too much discomfort, call your vet. Stay on the safe side.Good luck!

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14y ago

Neuters usually recover completely within 48 hours. But dont let them jump or be active for -3 days.

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you should put a dog cone over it's neck so it wont itch itself

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Q: How do you care for a dog that just got spayed?
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Why is your dog twitching after getting spayed?

It's just like cat's, you're dog is twitching because it has'nt got used to being spayed because it's trying not to give birth to the baby's.So the female dog try's to force the baby's up and eat them.

Why has your dog has got womb infection?

This is very common in female dogs who have not been spayed. Either that, or they get endrometritus That is why it is advisable to get them spayed.

Can spayed dog get a menstrual period?

Puppies can be spayed or neutered any time after eight weeks of age. Some people wait until just before the dog becomes sexually mature, sometime around six months of age, depending on the breed. more details:

Your dog is 1 yr old and got bred Is that a problem?

yes...she should have been spayed

How long is it to get a female dog fixed?

The female should be spayed (fixed) at about 6 months. Some believe that she should have a litter before being spayed, but the only thing that does is add more unwanted dogs to the dog pound.

Is leaking from a spayed dog nipples after surgery normal?

You should take a visit to the vet. When our dog got spaded, nothing came out of her nipples.

Can dogs still be pregnant after being spayed?

NO! That's the whole point of getting spayed. If your dog is supposedly spayed and gets pregnant, first i would go to the vet and check before i assume she is pregnant. Then, if she really is pregnant, I would call up the place where the dog got "spayed" and sue them but make sure you have a reciet or papers of some sort

How do you take care of a dog that got bit?

By what?

You just got a new dog and your other one has been slobering nonstop around her What is wrong?

If your new dog is not spayed she may be coming into heat. This could be a reason for your other dog to drool, slobber or gnash it's teeth. Some dogs are more apt to do this than others. I have one that will drool a lot and kind of chatter his teeth when ever he is near a female; even a spayed female can have this effect on him.

Your female dog got spayed and will not eat?

That's normal for her to not eat that's how most dogs react.

Why is your dog shivering after being spayed?

I just got my dog spayed (2 days ago, actually) and she is currently suffering from this problem. From what I've gathered, this can be caused by: 1) Stress or pain. She's probably very scared. 2) The anethesia wearing off, just after getting spayed. 3) A side-effect from pain medication (giving to you for home-dosage). I've given this to my dog every 8-12 hours since being spayed. 4) She could be cold; I wrapped my dog in a blanket on my lap, and after a while she stopped trembling. At two days, I would be concerned about infection if I saw shivering as this can be due to a temperature. Remember that a dog's normal temp is 100.5 - 102.5 Fahrenheit (38 - 39.2 C). Especially if it persists, see a vet, but always better safe that sorry.

My cat is 12 years old and she has a little bit of stomach can she be pregnant?

If she hasn't been spayed and got outside while in season, yes she could be. If she's spayed, she might just be overeating. Consult your vet if she seems to be gaining weight.