

What do you mean by green water in swimming pools?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Perhaps you have an algae problem.

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Q: What do you mean by green water in swimming pools?
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What do you exactly mean? How much water swimming pool weigh? Then it is kilograms. Hope that helped:)

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It could mean you want to be free 'Swimming in water' but everyone is holding you back. 'stuck on a plate'

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The state with the most swimming pools would be Arizona.

Which valve lowers swimming pool pressure?

You can not measure the pressure in a swimming pool. If you mean the pressure on the filter tank gage then you may have to backwash the filter. Talk to your local pool store for instructions as how to maintain a swimming pool and the equipment. Get some education on swimming pool maint. before you get into some real trouble. A pool is not too forgiving for someone without a basic knowledge of pools.

What are the pros and cons of chlorination in swimming pools?

Chlorine specifically or all types of sanitizers. You need to have a sanitizer to keep the water clean. Chlorine and Bromine are the two most popular. There is other less common sanitizers. And remember, using a salt system does not mean you don't have chlorine. A salt system uses the salt to generate chlorine in the water.