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your house probably isn't safe structually and medically. You could get very ill from being around so much mold. if you want to save your home start by replacing the walls one by one. That's studs and dry wall.

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Q: What do you need to do if you have discovered black mold in most every wall of your home?
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Related questions

How can you get black mold in your home?

Black mold has proven that it can be a major problem for many households/families throughout the United States. The major contributors to black mold in your home are high relative humidity levels, excess water in the home/leaks, and flooding. The most important precaution that any homeowner can take in the prevention of black mold in the home would be to control moisture/humidity levels in the home by using a good dehumidifier.

When was mold first discovered?

William Yobe discovered mold in 1827 actually Alexander Fleming discovered mold in 1928

My son has mold allergies,will black mold make them worse?

Yes! If you have black mold in your home have it professionally taken care of immediately. Black mold is so TOXIC that in small infants and toddlers it has been known to cause death.

Would home insurance cover Black mold in the home?

The cost of black mold removal is covered by most home insurers. But read the small print on your policy so that you don't get any surprises.

Does black mold kill people?

yes and no. i had black mold in my home for many years. and it has not killed anyone yet. so my answer is a big NOOOO.

What kind of symptoms can a person get from having black mold in their home?

An allergic reaction to black mold can be serious and fatal,trouble breathing is a big warning sign.

Why Should You Test Black Molds?

Health reports have discovered that mold is the number one cause of allergic signs. The toxic black mold present in many office, home, and school environments has been related to critical pulmonary illnesses. Certainly, too much exposure to molds can create unwanted health problems for human beings.

How did William yobe discover mold?

he discovered mold by his shoe

Who discovered the mold?

Sir Alexander Fleming I'm not sure what you mean by "the mold"? Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin which is a form of mold. I hope this helps.

Is the removal of black mold important?

Yes, extremely important! You, your family, and any pets can become really sick if the mold is growing in your home!

Can toxic black mold enter my home from neighbor's house?

It could develop in your house as a result of having the same problems with drainage at ground level or in a basement. If you live in an attached home, you could have shared walls and roof with mold.

Who discovered mold?

Jennifer Hudson