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In Archaeology Forensic Pathologist examine bodies or human remains found at the site, determine the cause of death and how, why they buried. This may explain the fate of the site or the even its purpose.

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Q: What does a forensic pathologist do on archaeological sites?
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How do forensic pathologists help archaeologists?

A forensic pathologist can give information about the remains of bodies found in archaeological sites. For instance, they can sometimes determine cause and age of death, and can shed light on an individual's health and lifestyle.

Which type of anthropologist examines human remains found at archaeological sites?

A biological anthropologist would typically examine human remains found at archaeological sites. They study aspects like biological variation, health, and behavior of past populations by analyzing bones and teeth.

Does a forensic pathologist or a gynecologist earn more money?

A forensic Pathologist makes about 75,000 to 200,000 dollars per year

Is a forensic pathologist and medical examiner the same thing?

Yes they are because a forensic pathologist are sort of the same thing and they are the same as medical examiners

Who axamines dead bodies?

A Forensic Pathologist

What is the highest pay of a forensic pathologist?

The highest pay of a forensic pathologist is around $610,000 a year.

Who is the most likely to perform a forensic autopsy?

doctorThe first answer is not true. The answer is a Forensic pathologist.

Who performs a post mortem?

A coroner or forensic pathologist.

What is the proper name for a Forensic Pathologist?

Evan Pournarous

What is forensic scientist do?

Forensic scientists analyze evidence at a crime scene. A forensic pathologist is different; they are the ones that examine the corpses.

Why is the medical examiner or forensic pathologist doing the autopsy and not the coroner?

the coroners can do the autopsy but it's more common for the Pathologist or Examiner to do them because they are more educated!!! I LOVE FORENSIC PATHOLOGY!!!

The scientific name of the person that does the autopsy for the answer of death?

A forensic pathologist, who is a medical doctor specializing in investigating causes of death, performs autopsies.