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Freon is odorless. If you're getting a chemical type smell, it's probably anti-freeze leaking from your fridge.

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Q: What does freon from a refrigerator smell like?
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What does freon in ac unit smell like?

There is no smell, unless somebody has used something like 22a freon which is actually propane and may have a sulphur smell

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How do you know if your refrigerator has freon?

cooling will continue when the refrigerator operates then it has freon ,if cooling stops while operating then it does not have....

What causes food in a freezer to taste and smell like kerosene and is it poisonous to eat?

Freon is the # 1 Culprit. No, it is never safe to eat any foods that have been contaminated. Toss it out and get your refrigerator repaired.

Can you smell freon leak in car?

Freon is odorless; you cannot smell it.

Do refrigerators have freon?

Yes, type of "freon" will depend on when it was built.

What kind of freon goes in a refrigerator?

It will depend on the make, model and year of the refrigerator that you are working on........

When should refrigerator freon be checked?

When the fridge is not cooling due to freon leak or freon restriction.

Can freon from a car be used on a refrigerator?


Why does my car smell like freon?

Since you are aware of what freon smells like , and you must know what it is used for , there is only one system in an auto that uses it.