

What does fish ick look like?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Ick is white spots that look like salt on your fish. If your fish is infected, it can kill your fish. The common signs are rubbing against decor in the tank, cloudy eyes, ragged fins, rapid breathing and loss of appetite. Take your infected fish to a vet to receive medicine or use salt/heat remedies to remove it.

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13y ago

Ick looks like little grains of salt on fish. Sometimes infested fish will rub on plants or sides of tank.

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Whit spot on top of Siamese fish head?

Parasitic such as Ick, fungal infection, bacterial infection. If the spot doesnt look like a grain of salt and is singular than it is probably not Ick.

Fish tank sterilization will or will not help ick in fish?

If you're referring to running a sterilizer, it won't help a fish that already has ick. But a sterilizer is cheap insurance and will help prevent future outbreaks of ick and other diseases. If you're referring to cleaning out a tank with bleach and then reassembling it, this will not help a fish that already has ick. But if your fish have already died then you MUST sterilize the tank before adding other fish. The ick can remain the water and re-infect new fish.

Is ick contagious?

Yes, ick is highly contagious. Fish get it when they are stressed out, depressed, and/or weak. Ick is believed to be in water already.It spreads very quickly from one fish to another and you have to treat it right away. To treat ick, take the infected fish to a vet or use a home remedy such as salt or heat.

What should you do if your fish have ick and you can't raise the temperature of your tank?

You should look to getting a heater to properly treat the fish, otherwise it may not get better

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glittery, sparkly, pink, and girly ick

If one fish gets ick will all of the fish get ick?

Yes, all of the fish in the tank could get it. Even if only 1 fish in your tank has it, treat every fish to make sure the parasite gets off. I noticed one day that one of my little fishie friends had ick, the next day all of my guppies did, and 2 died. If you notice ick on your fish, treat it PRONTO! Or else you might lose a couple. :( :(

Can a human catch ick from splashed fish tank water on face?

I wouldn't think so since ick is a scale sickness and you don't have scales. My fish once had ick (their better now) and I didn't get sick with ick. but maybe you should ask an employee at a pet store.

Why does your fish have a reddish nose and white patches?

Hi, the white spots are on your fish because your fish has a disease called ich or ick. To cure ick you need to buy a liquid for ich cure in a local pet fish shop. Ick or ich is like an allergy for fishes. Thank you :)

Can ick be given to other fish?

Yes, most of the time when fish have ick, all of the fish in the tank get it. If 1 fish in your tank has ick, treat the whole tank.

A skin problem name fish?

Ick, icescale, and snailfungus.

Do Betta fish has white thing in its fine?

Your fish could have something called "ick". It is a disease and can be easily treated with over the counter medications. This only from what you are describing; ick forms on the fins as a milky white ribbon, so to say. It could just be the fish's natural color, but I haven't ever really seen white on betta fish. If it is ick and you do not treat it, your fish will could die.

Will fish have disease?

Yes.The most common fish disease is ick. This most likely happens in pet fish.