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Likely to self-examine without prompting

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Q: What does introspective by nature mean?
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What does melancholic tone mean?

A melancholic tone is a tone filled with melancholy: great sadness or even depression. A tone is especially filled with melancholy if the sadness and/or depression is of a thoughtful or introspective nature.

What does introspective mean?

Introspective is when you try to look deep into your thoughts or feelings- try to read yourself and understand who you are reflect on your actions, behavior and understanding of yourself.

When was Introspective created?

Introspective was created in 1987.

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Technology has increased awareness of developments outside USA, reducing in's introspective nature.

What is a sentence with the word introspective in it?

"That is a very introspective question." Introspect means to look into or examine one's feelings. Introspective is the adjective form of introspect.

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crude and rambling concise and introspective The poetry IS often astonishing, compelling, moving, and thought-provoking.

What is a word that means looking inward?

A word that means looking inward is introspective.

Is hamlet seen as introspective and unstable?

hes not really unstable but he reflects and ponders alot showing he is introspective

What is the synonyms of the introspective?

Some synonyms of introspective include: Introvert, inward-looking, contemplative, brooding, self-examining

Who are pearl's playmates?

Pearl's playmates are a group of girls who are her peers and play with her in the town when she visits the beach. They are not mentioned by name but are described as being lively and carefree, contrasting with Pearl's more introspective nature.

What is the synonym for introspective?

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Yes, Simon is a character in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. He is not fearful, but rather he is portrayed as a kind, sensitive, and introspective character who often seeks solitude in nature.