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I'm a guy, so I might be of some help. When I am really nervous about something, I often mention random stuff because i don't know what to say. Getting something of yours usually means I am trying to go out of my way to be nice to you. It doesn't one hundred percent means the guy likes you, but he may very likely. Look for other things he might be doing. Ex: You are at the middle of the line walking into a building, he is at the front. He holds open the door all the way to you get there, and then just lets it go when you get in. Anything at all he might be doing to be nice to just you are obvious pointers. A lot of body language experts say a guy points his feet/body towards you when he likes you, though I don't notice it if I do this. Basically, he might like you. Just watch for other pointers to know for sure.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy looks at you a lot talks to you about random stuff and gets you something of yours when your waiting to get it like a folder or something like that?
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