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Don't leave two hamsters together in the same enclosure - they will fight, even if they seem fine together when they are little. Keep them in separate enclosures and ask a specialist if you want to breed them.

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Q: What does it mean if you put a male dwarf hamster with a female dwarf hamster that already had babies?
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Related questions

Can the baby dwarf hamster be with the male also?

Yes, the dwarf hamster is the only kind of hamster that the babies can be with the male and female. He can actually help raise the babies.

Will female Robo Dwarf Hamster have babies if there are no male?

No, there has to be a male so the female can get pregnant.

How do you connect two hamster cages?

You can put two Dwarf Hamsters together but if you put a male and a female together they most likely have babies. You can put a male Dwarf Hamster and a male Dwarf Hamster together and you can put a female Dwarf Hamster with a femaleDwarf Hamster. Just make sure the two hamsters don't fight.

Does a girl dwarf hamster need a boy dwarf hamster to have babies?


Can a golden hamster be with a female albino hamster and make babies?

'Golden' hamster is an alternate name for a Syrian Hamster. Assuming the albino female is too a Syrian Hamster, then yes, they can mate. If it's some variety of dwarf hamster, then no.

Should I buy your dwarf hamster a hamster friend or not?

They might cause a fight, if same gender, If not the same gender, the they will (most likely) have babies, and when a female hamster has babies, you have to help the babies come out. And if you touch the hamster babies AT ALL, the mother will eat them. I don't recommend buying another hamster.

What will happen if the boy hamster is not taken out of the cage when the girl hamster is pregnant?

They will probably fight. However, a dwarf hamster male can stay in the cage with the female. He can help raise the babies.

Does a Chinese dwarf hamster have babies?

of course all hamsters have babies!

What to do after a female robo dwarf hamster has her babies?

After giving birth to the babies separate the male from the female and babies or else the male will try to kill them. after a few week or so separate the mother and then separate the female and male babies or else they will mate at an early age and have undeveloped babies

How fast can a dwarf hamster have babies?

in 3 days. =)

How do you know if your dwarf hamster is going to have babies?

If it is notably bigger.

What would cause a mother dwarf hamster to attack her babies?

If you touch the babies and get your scent on it.