

What does it mean if your car brakes squeak?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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15y ago

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It can mean many things. most are ment to squeak when the lining materal is getting thin (needs to be replaced) thay do this with a piece of metal that rubs on the disk to make noise ( can cause damage if it not replace in a timely maner).

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Q: What does it mean if your car brakes squeak?
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Some manufactures use a wear indicator that causes a squealing sound when the pads need to be replaced.

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did you put high quality brakes on your car if so then it is normal do not worry about it. even if not some brakes just squeak all the time

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The car may need new brakes or tires because they might be wearing down.

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Can you give more detail? Is it squeak, squeak, squeak or squeeeeeeek? I'm assuming that it only occurs when the car is moving. Does putting the brakes on make it change? --Ken It does make squeeeeek sound when car is moving and putting brakes on does change it.

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you can tell when your breaks start to Squeak or the car wont slow down when turning

Why does your car squeak even when im not touching the brakes?

you have a squeaky either needs replacing or oiling

What would cause squeaking in a fairly new car during acceleration?

Squeaking can be heard on any vehicle new or not. But sometimes when a car squeaks the brakes are bad or going bad. Other times the brakes may be new, like on a new car and sometimes old ones, the brand of brake pads may be bad. When you get your brakes replaced, they are suppose to add some grease that comes in the brake package. There is a small thing on the brake pads that will squeak and rub and make noise when the pads get low. That way you will know it is time to change them, if you let it get that far. Other causes of squeaks could be shocks. If they go bad, your car can squeak and creek. You can check if your car is parked and brakes are on. Turn off your car too. Then go to the front of the car and mash up and down on the front of the car or back of car. If the car bounces freely, then your shocks are bad or going bad. Other squeaks can be drive belts loose or too tight. There are a number of things that can cause a car to squeak. Listen from where the sound is coming from. Is it in front, back, left side, right side? Is it a long squeal or squeak squeak squeak? Do it happen when you first go and stop? All this can help you or your mechanic pinpoint the source of the squeak. Remember, just because a part is new, that does not mean it is good. That goes for any product, especially electrical stuff, that is why most places will not accept returns on electrical product, coz they go bad lost of times. A squeak under acceleration could also be a universal joint going bad.

Why do your brakes squeak on a 2002 dodge ram 1500?

Because You Need New Brakes!

Should new rear brakes still squeak?
