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Because the ferret does not recognize it as food. Ferrets are known to be picky eaters, because they imprint on their food at a young age. This means that when a new food or treat is introduced the ferret actually has no idea that it is food. Try mixing it with their food or rubbing a small amount on the ferret's gums.

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Q: What does it mean when a ferret does not like treats?
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Is it ok to feed a ferret dog treats?

No. Some dog treats contain too much plant matter and not enough meat which can cause stomach problems. Special ferret treats are available. The special treats have a higher meat content. If you do not want to purchase these special treats try giving your ferret small bits of raw meat as a treat.

What does your ferret need to be fat?

lots of unhealthy treats.... why would you want a fat ferret? they're not as playful and it's bad for the ferret

Can ferrets eat gingersnaps?

Hello, You should avoid feeding your ferret anything sweet. The best treats for ferrets are small amounts of ferretone, high quality ferret treats (Wysong Natural Pet Food offers some of these) or strictly meat-based or protein based treats. Ferrets are vulnerable to diseases such as insulinoma, and feeding sugary treats may cause health problems for your ferret later. Ferret Owner

What food do you give a hunting ferret?

Feed your ferret it's regular meal in the morning. When hunting take some treats and plenty of water for your ferret.

Can you give your ferret hide to chew?

Ferrets should not be given any dog chews like rawhide, pig ears, etc.. they don't have the ability to digest them and could cause stomach blockage and death. there are chew treats made especially for ferrets - Ferret Super Chews, Super Foamy Fries and N-bone Ferret Chew Treats (they love these

What is the weight of ferret?

most ferrets are about 1-3 ponds if have a ferret make sure you read ingriedients of food and TREATS AND NEVER GIVER GIVE THEM CHOCLATE

What does tundra ferret eat?

If you mean ermines small animals like voles

What are some fun things you can do with your ferret and how do you leash train?

Just let your ferret run around the house! Make sure it is ferret-proofed though!! Get some toys for your ferret to play with, you can also get a companion for your ferret {make sure he/she is spayed/neutured}! Sounds like she is not used to the harness, start with just a wearing a collar around the house first, then try to harness, distract her or give treats to get her used to it before taking her outside.

Does a ferret like to smoke?

A ferret does not smoke

What does ferret mean?

A Ferret Is A Type Of Animal Belonging To TheMustelidaeFamily.

Why won't a ferret climb into his wire cage on his own?

Maybe your ferrets really like being out of their cage. You could try to train them by putting treats in their cage at the end of playtime.

What does it mean if you dream a ferret is going to kill you?

i depends what you dream about (e.g any why it could die like someone kills a ferret with a knife