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I am assuming you mean the 'served results' which appears just under the search query bar. That is the total number of webpages with the mention of your search within them. This doesn't include sub-directories which is essentially the 'junk pile' of served results.

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Q: What does the number mean when you search something in Google?
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What do Google mean?

To search for information about (someone or something) on the Internet using the search engine Google.

What is mean Google?

searching for something in Google search engine is termed as Googled.

What does the word ''Google'' mean?

The word Google is used most frequently when someone or something is using the search, Google. A Googol on the other hand, is large number. It is equal to ten raised to the power of a hundred.

What does it mean to Google it?

The term "Google it" means to create a Google search on the subject. This is commonly used when people do not want to explain something or when the answer is apparently obvious. Please note that posting "Google it" or anything of the sort that includes using a Search Engine is against our Terms of Use and will therefore result in account suspension.

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In case you mean "AltaVista" , its something like a predecessor of Google, a 1990s Internet Search Engine :-)

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It means to search for somebody or to find information about somebody or someone, usually using the Google search engine. It simply means to go to and search on something or someone and then it gives you sites you can go to about the subject. Its usually very helpful.

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What is the site called where you create your own Google search engine?

You probably mean Google Custom Search. This service allows you do define the sites that you want Google to search in or sites you want to exclude from this search. You can find information about it on their site.

Did Google get its name from the word googol?

google or googles = glasses. you have that on your eyes to defend from sun or to improve sight u know what i mean. u are looking through them. u are looking for something in google search engine. basically thats it

What exctly does Google mean? defines Google as "a trademark used for an Internet search engine. This trademark often occurs in print as a verb, sometimes in lowercase." I wonder why the creators chose that name for their search engine. According to the Google guys, the company's name comes from the word 'googol' which is actually a number invented by Milton Sirotta. Probably the Google name is related to the number of the results provided by the search technology which is usually huge.