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A:Like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the serpent was a common motif in many ancient Near Eastern religions. It demonstrates the fear and awe felt for snakes, and could be considered a hangover from earlier animist beliefs.
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Q: What does the serpent stand for in Genesis?
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A serpent, or viper (Genesis 49:17).

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he is the serpent in Genesis, also the antichrist in revelation

Where is the serpent mentioned in the Bible?

It is first mentioned in the book of Genesis chapter3 verse 1.

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The answer to your question is answered in Genesis 3:14. Yes the serpent was cursed.

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It tells us why there is suffering in the world today. It is because of Satan or 'the serpent.'

What did the serpent in Genesis symbolize?

In many interpretations, the serpent in Genesis symbolizes temptation, deceit, and evil. It is often seen as a metaphor for the devil or Satan, who tempts Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. This act leads to the Fall of Man in the Christian tradition.

What happen to Satan after he gave the apple to eve?

In the creation story found in Genesis, a serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. The serpent was then condemned by God to slither on the ground. It was never specifically stated that the serpent was Satan, although most assume that was the case.

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Genesis 3:15 This is where God says that the serpent (aka Satan) would be crushed by the heel of him who would be the serpent's enemy (Jesus the Messiah).

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In Genesis, Eve was tempted by an unnamed serpent, which has been presumed to be Satan.

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Tubalcain's work with brass and iron.

Was the serpent in bible in genesis a man or snake?

If you are talking about the serpent that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden, then it wasactually Satan. He disguised himself as a serpent, or snake if you want to call it that, and tempted Eve with it. so it was neither man nor snake. It was a fallen angel, Satan.

Was Cain conceived in the garden of eden?

The evidence of the Genesis account suggests that Cain was conceived [Genesis 4] after the "serpent incident" and Adam and Eve's subsequent banishment from the Garden of Eden [chapter 3].