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Nazi's put lots of Jewish people in concentration camps and then murdered most of them this event ws known as the Holocaust

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Q: What does the term Nazi have to do with to the Holocaust?
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The term genocide emerged as a consequence of?

The Holocaust, in particular the Nazi "Final Solution."

When was the Nazi Holocaust exposed?

1945 was when the nazi holocaust was exposed

What is the term for Nazi's systematic killing of Jews during World War 2?


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Which was an outcome of the nazi governments final solution?

the Holocaust.

Which government sponsored the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was committed by the government of Nazi Germany.

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust

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they killed them...

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Nazi Germany was under Nazi German control during the Holocaust.

Can anyone survive in a Holocaust?

The term "A holocaust" means mass destruction and death, usually by fire. The term " The Holocaust" means the mass killing of Jews and others under the Nazi's in WW 2. There have been people that have survived both types, although your chances of being killed are very high.

Is the Holocaust uniquely Jewish?

The term the Holocaust (with an upper-case H) was created to refer specifically to the attempt by the Nazis, in 1941-45 to kill all the Jews that they could find. It replaced the Nazis' own term, which was 'the Final Solution of the Jewish Question'. Every event (or series of events) in history is unique.However, if you are asking whether the term also includes other victims of Nazi genocide and other Nazi atrocities there is a problem as there are two definitions in use. Professional historians generally use the term specifically for the Nazi genocide of the Jews, but in popular usage, especially in the US, the term is often used for all victims of Nazi mass murder.If you are asking whether any other people has been subjected to genocide, the answer is yes.For many Jews the Holocaust has become an important 'badge' of Jewish identity: the Jews have become the 'people of the Holocaust'.