

What does the term hot sauce mean?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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11y ago

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A sauce made from pickled chilies, and vinegar.

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"sauce piquante", although this traditional term also includes mustard and horseradish sauces, from before the hot pepper was discovered. "sauce au piment rouge" (red pepper sauce) would probably be better for the hot sauces such as habanero sauces.

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Tobasco sauce is a type of hot sauce (a specific brand), the reverse is not true.

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Louisiana Hot Sauce, Texas Pete, Choula Hot Sauce, the list goes on. sources-

Is hot sauce a sauce?

yes, sauces are usually sauces. wow why do u think it called "hot sauce"? of corse its a sauce silly

Is hot sauce acidic?

Hot sauce contains several acidic products.