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Incarnation means being embodied in physical form (usually as a person, although other types of incarnation are also considered to be possible, such as incarnation as an insect). There are many religions which believe that a person consists of both a spiritual essence or soul, and a body. When the body dies, the spiritual essence might go somewhere else, to an afterlife, or may be reborn as another person, in which case that would be called reincarnation, or being incarnated again. If a spirit has no body (such as a ghost) it can be described as disincarnate, meaning not incarnated.

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Q: What does the word incarnation mean?
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What day do Christians celebrate incarnation?

December 25 is the feast of the Incarnation - when the Word became flesh.

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The incarnation of the character from the book came to life through the actor's brilliant performance on stage.

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What is a acrostic poem for incarnation?

first it is a poem the you write a word for every letter. And then you would make the word relate to incarnation. happy writing :)

What is incarnation in Hinduism?

do you mean reincarnation? if so it is called samsara (the life cycles) Incarnation is the appearance of a God or Goddess, or a great person, in a new form, mostly but not necessarily as a human. For common men and women, the word used is re-birth.

When was the incarnation of Jesus Christ?

I think you mean resurrection.

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epitome, image, embodiment, representation, incarnation

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The word "avatar" comes from Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-Aryan language of India. In Sanskrit, "avatar" means "descent" and typically refers to the incarnation of a deity or a personification of a concept in Hindu mythology.

What is the meaning of the word incarnation in-connection with theology?

Theology is the study of religion. Incarnation in the theological sense is the human embodiment of a divine being or idea. Take, for instance, Jesus Christ. Jesus was said to be the incarnation of the spirit of God and all that was good.

What could be a sentence with the word incarnation?

a soul that has died in one time and reborn in another

What term refers to the mystery that Jesus is both God and man united in the same person?

Incarnation. John 1:14: "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us."

What does the name Srilakshmi mean?

The name Srilakshmi is of Sanskrit origin and is a combination of "Sri," which means auspicious or prosperous, and "Lakshmi," the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, Srilakshmi can be interpreted to mean auspicious or prosperous like the goddess Lakshmi.