

What does the yellow sac spider hate?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Spiders do not have human emotions. Yellow sac spiders are predators, so maybe their emotional reactions are like a fledgling owl I rescued from where it had ended its first flight in a row of trees that was the home of a large flock of Blackbirds. It was almost big enough to break my skin with its beak. It certainly tried when I first caught it. But once it learned that I wasn't going to do anything more to it than try to feed it canned cat food, it became amazingly calm. Within a couple of hours it had even learned not to bite my finger when I fed it. Contrast that behavior with the pullets I raised from baby chicks this year. They are still afraid of me, and if I have to catch one of them it will still struggle and put up quite a loud flap. But chickens are a prey species. They are more like horses in wanting to run to avoid any chance of pain. Except for a few species that guard territories, spiders generally only react to humans to the extent that they try to avoid getting stepped on or otherwise injured. Jumping spiders have such good vision that they are actually aware of the whole human being, not just a hand or foot. They are typically interested in keeping an eye on us just in case we might swoop on them or accidentally step on them. The more bold among them are actually curious and will hop onto a human hand and explore it. That makes them hard to photograph sometimes because if you get the camera close enough to get a frame-filling image, the jumping spider will often jump on the camera to have a look around.

Maybe yellow sac spiders hate whatever it is that makes so many of them lose a leg or two. They seem to be unusually fragile. Most of the pictures of them, and most of the ones I've seen around my house, have not had all eight legs. Maybe they hate falling. I have no idea what causes their injuries.

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