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Ive done this experiment many times. and i know that a lemon tastes like an orange. also there are many things you cant taste at all, like you cant taste sugar. when i did my experiments though, many times i failed because my tester didnt tell me whether they tasted anything or not, they just guessed based on the texture of the food.

i hope this helped :)

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because it cuts off one of the main sences in tasting foods.

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Q: What foods taste different when your nose is plugged?
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Can you tell which food is which by keeping your eyes closed and nose plugged?

Even with the eyes closed and nose plugged, you should be able to tell the basics of most foods, that is, whether each is sweet, salty, sour, etc. The taste buds give sense of taste, not the nose or eyes. So, yes, you should be able to distinguish and name most foods by taste, texture, thickness vs. thinness, etc.

Can you taste better with your nose plugged or not plugged?

you can taste food, but it tastes bland. your nose helps you differenciate tastes. plugging your nose cuts off the oxygen going to your olfactory senses, which is a componet to being able to taste food.

Do you taste with your tongue or nose?

Although the tongue is the major organ for detecting the flavors. You need both tongue and nose to taste and identify foods.

How do you perceive foods?

You perceive the taste of food with both your tongue and your nose.

Why it is difficult to taste food with a block nose?

Yes. You can taste, but it will definitely taste different, very different. To see for your self put several jolly ranchers, starbursts, gum or lightsavers (wrapped and different flavors) on a table in front of you. Close your eyes, and move them around allot. Plug your nose tightly (eyes still closed) unwrap one in pop it in your mouth. Keep it in there, nose still plugged. Make a prediction of what flavor it is. Take the candy out and open your eyes, I guarantee you'll be surprised

Why are you unable to taste food when you are having a cold?

A large part of what is perceived as the taste of foods is really due to the sense of smell. Often a cold plugs up the nose, so you lose your sense of smell and thus that part of the taste of foods.

Are there taste buds in your nose?

No, there are no taste buds in your nose.

How do you know that tastes when you have never tasted it?

Because while most of us think that foods are only tasted through our taste-buds, the nose is where most foods get their taste. For example, when you have a cold, your nose is congested and you cannot breathe through it, so food does not have as much flavor. So when we say "that tastes like" whatever, we may not have tasted it but we have smelled it.

When we eat food we get its taste but when we close our nose and eat it why don't we get the taste?

This is probably the best question I've heard on this site so far. As you may of heard, your tongue has Four taste receptors, Sweet, Sour, Bitter, and Salty. (Some people consider spicy as a tongue sense as well) but if you eat something like a unsweetend cherry, your tongue really has no receptors for it. Foods that are sweet, sour, bitter, or salty all have a place on the tongue, however foods that do not fit in those categories only taste significant because of the nose. The nose, with the power of smells, generates the taste.

How smell and taste related?

How are smell and taste related? The answer is simple: When we taste, we use our sense of smell. Have you ever noticed why when you have a cold, or you've plugged your nose, you can't taste the food in your mouth? This is because we assume automatically that what we are smelling is going to taste that way. So it does. Most of the time. When you taste, you are using your sense of smell to kind of tell you what it is that your eating. If you were to close your eyes and hold your nose and then taste apples and a potato, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference. At all. Except maybe the texture. ~Thanks, WorldBook 2001 Edition.

What is the interaction between taste and smell?

How are smell and taste related? The answer is simple: When we taste, we use our sense of smell. Have you ever noticed why when you have a cold, or you've plugged your nose, you can't taste the food in your mouth? This is because we assume automatically that what we are smelling is going to taste that way. So it does. Most of the time. When you taste, you are using your sense of smell to kind of tell you what it is that your eating. If you were to close your eyes and hold your nose and then taste apples and a potato, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference. At all. Except maybe the texture. ~Thanks, WorldBook 2001 Edition.

Why does food taste better when it can be smelled?

Because if you have a blocked nose cant taste da food and if you dont have a blocked if taste without smell tastelike different if dont smell.