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You may see colors, spots and shapes on the back of your eyelids, but nothingdetrimental.

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Q: What happens if you close your eyes too hard and too tight?
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Do your eyes go inside if you close your eyes too hard and too tight?

It would not. Think of your eyelids as a curtain, they merely cover over your eyes instead of pushing inwards.

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Yep! If you close your eyes as tight as possible, wish as hard as you can, and open them, there is a slim slim chance you will wake up in Tama Town.

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depends.. probably an aftershock or something t\depending how hard hte force was and how close to the epicenter you are

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No. Crocodiles have muscles in their mouths that are extremely powerful, and designed to firmly. When submerging under water, they close their ear and nostril flaps. They have a third eyelid, called the nictitating membrane that protects their eyes underwater.

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no but i have experienced a lot of 3-D movies and it seems to make it blurry and hard to focus on if it comes too close to your eyes. so if it starts to get blurry close your eyes so it doesn't give you a headache

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nope just sit back and close your eyes and let them do it... if i had my time back I'd never get them they where that painful.

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I personally think that it is because when you blink, your eyes produce moisture to keep your eyes from drying up, and you close your eyes for a long time and very hard. The harder you close your eyes, the more moisture your eyes produce, therefore, you think that your eyes are watering. I am very sorry if I wrote too much, but my mom is a chiropracter(she cracks your bones into place again).

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Sometimes if you close your eyes really hard you can see an outline of a mysterious shape. Which would happen to be my schlong.

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Step one: Close your eyes real tight. Step two: Take a deep breath. Step three: Empty your mind of all rational thought. Step four: Imagine real hard that the laws of physics do not apply to your reality. Voila you now have made an anti-gravity lifter.